Use a text editor to edit the 'Coalesced.ini' file in the 'Program FilesTeam JPNMass Effect 2BioGameConfigPCCooked' directory.

Some have been asking about the trilogy’s controller support as well as carrying over saves and the game’s apparent use of DRM. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. The PC version has some other quirks, too. These might play some role in whatever the Mass Effect Legendary Edition console commands are (if they exist), but that role is not clear yet. There are lists out there (like this one from GameFAQs) of the old console commands. People are still trying different methods to come up with a solution so this is an ongoing process. Others, like Tromador and cragthehack tried adding the console block, but were also unsuccessful. Ewokitude claims to have found the keybindings in the game’s directory, but has not figured out a way to add the console. Users on Reddit have been delving through the game’s files and changing things around in hopes to crack the code. Some players have been trying to put in that extra work.

It’s unlikely (but still plausible) that BioWare would remove them entirely, but if they are still there, activating them will take some extra work since it is not one-to-one. BioWare has seemingly changed some things around, making the console harder to bring up. Players have tried inputting the old console commands using the same methods from the original games, but have come up unsuccessful. It is not clear if Mass Effect Legendary Edition has console commands.